Hello! 😊
De-a lungul timpului am incercat
numeroase sampoane de la diverse brand-uri, insa niciodata nu am fost multumita
de ele. Avand in vedere ca eu am parul subtire, rar, fara pic de volum, casant
si cu varfuri despicate, mereu imi doream sa fie sanatos, fara varfuri
deteriorate si sa nu mai fie "lipit de cap", vorba aia.
Sincera sa fiu, deja incepusem sa imi pierd speranta ca am sa gasesc samponul potrivit parului meu, pana cand am ajuns la un salon si am fost spalata cu MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE.
Sincera sa fiu, deja incepusem sa imi pierd speranta ca am sa gasesc samponul potrivit parului meu, pana cand am ajuns la un salon si am fost spalata cu MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE.
Diferenta s-a vazut dupa prima
spalare. Parul meu a devenit mai stralucitor, mai sanatos iar varfurile
despicate ramase parca erau insesizabile in urma folosirii acestui sampon.
Inainte sa folosesc acest sampon parul meu se ingrasa foarte
repede. Dupa ce imi spalam parul acesta era frumos, destul de acceptabil, insa
a doua zi deja avea aspect de par gras, era "lipit de cap" si clar
era nevoie ca a doua zi sa imi spal iar parul, ceea ce nu este deloc sanatos
pentru scalp. Dar, de cand folosesc acest sampon parul meu se ingrasa mult mai
greu, inca a treia zi de la spalare parul arata bine, parca l-as fi spalat
chiar in acea zi.
Over the years I've tried a lot of shampoos from different brands, but I have never been happy with them. Since I have thin hair, seldom, without a bit of volume, bust and split ends, I always wanted to have a healthy hair, with no damaged peaks. Honestly, I had already begun to lose hope of finding the shampoo for my hair until I got to a salon where I was washed with MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE.
The difference was seen after the first wash. My hair grew brighter and healthier and the spiked peaks remaining as though they were unobtrusive after using this shampoo.
Before using this shampoo, my hair grew faster. After washing my hair, it was nice, quite acceptable, but the next day it was already greasy, it was "sticking to the head" and it was clear that the next day I had to wash my hair again, which is not at all healthy for the scalp. But since I use this shampoo my hair grew much harder, the third day after washing my hair looks good, as if I washed it on that day.
regenerator cu ceramide are un miros foarte placut care persista pana a
doua, a treia zi pe par de la spalare dandu-i un aer fresh si de par proaspat
Acest sampon m-a convins ca pot sa am
si eu par sanatos, moale, usor de descurcat, de coafat si parca parul imi
creste mai repede decat pana acum. Mereu am sa raman fidela acestui sampon,
desi eu avand parul blond ma tenteaza sa incerc un sampon special conceput
pentru aceasta nuanta a parului.
Dar, evident ca samponul isi face treaba mai bine alaturi de BALSAMUL MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE despre care puteti gasi un review aici.
Dar, evident ca samponul isi face treaba mai bine alaturi de BALSAMUL MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE despre care puteti gasi un review aici.
MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE ceramide regenerating shampoo has a very pleasant smell that persists until the second, third day after washing, giving you a continuously sensation of freshly washed hair.
This shampoo convinced me that I can also have healthy, soft and easy to handle hair styling. Curious thing is that after a few months I realised that my hair is growing even even faster than before. I will always remain faithful to this shampoo, although I have blond hair and always I'm tempting to try a special shampoo created for blonde hair.
But obviously this shampoo does it's job even better together with the blam from the same producer, same version. You can find it's review here.
Kisses, C.
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