Mereu sunt preocupata de aspectul parului meu si imi place cand este hidratat, fin si catifelat la atingere. Din punctul meu de vedere balsamul nu poate sa lipseasca din rutina de ingrijire a parului deoarece are rolul de a prelungi si intensifica efectele samponului.
De mai bine de un an folosesc samponul MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE (review aici) si ati ghicit, balsamul este din aceeasi gama, evident.
I always care about the look of my hair and I like it when it's hydrated, fine and velvety to the touch. From my point of view, the conditioner can not miss from my hair care routine because it has the role of prolonging and intensifying the effects of shampoo.
For more than a year I use the MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE (review here) and you guessed, the conditioner is of the same version, of course.
DAMAGE este imbogatit cu ceramide care ajuta la fortifierea parului pentru
a reduce ruperea si il ajuta sa creasca mai lung. In urma folosirii balsamului,
parul este complet fortifiat, cu mai putine fire rupte, cu un plus de stralucire
si mai usor de descurcat.
Balsamul il aplic pe parul ud,
proaspat spalat cu samponul din aceeasi gama, iar pe urma il clatesc. Pentru
mine este important ca balsamul folosit sa fie din aceeasi gama cu samponul
indiferent de brandul folosit.
In urma folosirii bansamului, parul ramane mai matasos, usor de
periat si coafat.
MATRIX SO LONG DAMAGE is enriched with ceramide that helps to fortify hair to reduce breakage and help it grow longer. After using the conditioner, the hair is completely fortified with fewer split threads, with extra glitter and it's earier to handle.
Firstly I apply the conditioner on wet hair, which was washed with the shampoo of the same brand. Secondly, I rins the hair from abundant with water, and the I let the hair dry up alone.
For me is important that the conditioner I use to be from the same shampoo range regardless of the brand used. After I'm using the conditioner, the hair remains silky, easy to brush and easy to handle.
Kisses, C.
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